About us


The Rank is a podcast started by John and Zac where we rank anything and everything.

Friends since we met as 8 year old Cub Scouts, 27 years later and finding it more difficult to stay in touch, we did the logical thing – started a podcast. Hopefully, we’ll have fun and entertain people as well as correspond privately in lieu of actual communication.

Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy the podcast!

Show Hosts


Zac is a struggling artist in New York in the 90's who will not pay last year's rent.


John is a prominent breakfast cereal researcher currently heading a team at CERN with the objective of determining why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

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our Mission

What Is A Podcast And How Do They Work?

John is a prominent breakfast cereal researcher and blogger currently heading a team at CERN trying to determine why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Zac is a struggling artist in New York in the 90’s who cannot, nay, will not pay last year’s rent.

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